Wednesday, 14 October 2009
light room 2
This has been one of my favourite lectures so far. The reason for this is because Harrison gave us a tutorial on how to use light room 2 using the projector.Being new to digital photography i have been really nervous about using software to edit my work but i have to say i am now really looking forward to getting lightroom 2 installed on my mac. That is of course when i can afford to get one :) I am now definitely more aware of how the suttle changes that can be made using lightroom can make a good photograph great.I was also really surprised and relieved in how user friendly lightroom 2 is compared with other programs such as photoshop were i have found in the past the layout to be a little bit more confusing.From the advise Harrison gave us i also have a better understanding of the pro's and con's that people find with both programs for example: lightroom is really effective when wanting to organise and present work this is through i imagine the easy step guide we were shown briefly on how to create slide shows and websites, but on the other hand it is common for people to say photoshop is very good for manipulating certain specific areas of a photograph were lightroom is better for editing a photograph as a whole.For this reason i am really keen to broaden my knowledge on how to use both of these programs to there full potential.To help us out Harrison sent us some utube tutorial links:
light room 2
This has been one of my favourite lectures so far. The reason for this is because Harrison gave us a tutorial on how to use light room 2 using the projector.Being new to digital photography i have been really nervous about using software to edit my work but i have to say i am now really looking forward to getting lightroom 2 installed on my mac. That is of course when i can afford to get one :) I am now definitely more aware of how the suttle changes that can be made using lightroom can make a good photograph great.I was also really surprised and relieved in how user friendly lightroom 2 is compared with other programs such as photoshop were i have found in the past the layout to be a little bit more confusing.From the advise Harrison gave us i also have a better understanding of the pro's and con's that people find with both programs for example: lightroom is really effective when wanting to organise and present work this is through i imagine the easy step guide we were shown briefly on how to create slide shows and websites, but on the other hand it is common for people to say photoshop is very good for manipulating certain specific areas of a photograph were lightroom is better for editing a photograph as a whole.For this reason i am really keen to broaden my knowledge on how to use both of these programs to there full potential.To help us out Harrison sent us some utube tutorial links:
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